Friday, December 9

December 9, 2005

Bright and early this morning I went to the hospital for a CT Scans of my neck and chest. I received wonderful news. The tumor in my right lung is essentially gone and my lymph nodes are back to normal size. The Radiologist said this is amazing!. He said it just could'nt be any better. Needless to say, I am thrilled and overwhelmed with emotion and graditude.

Next week I will meet with my Oncologist and my Radiation Oncologist to see what the next step will be. Thank you for all your concern, support, and PRAYERS!!!!!!!!!

All my love,



Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear your news!!! Our prayers were with you on this day and will continue to be so. I hope that your strength comes back fast and you are able to enjoy the Christmas season. This is a fantastic start to your full recovery.
Viles family

Anonymous said...

Way to go Denise!!!! This is just awesome! Your buddies at the Pav have been thinking of you....
