Tuesday, May 16

May 16, 2006

Hello, It has been awhile since I updated this blog. Overall, I am still feeling great. I did develop a cough, and after watching it for a few weeks I let the doctor know and my CT scan was moved up. There was some concern in reading the CT scan that a recurrent tumor is growing where the original lung tumor had been. The lymph nodes are still negative and the rest of the lungs are clear. Consequently, we will follow up with a PET scan on May 30th. I will keep you posted.

My brother Dave and his wife Tracy visited this past weekend from Indiana. We had a great time. We opened the pool on Saturday. They were a tremendous help. We got done in one day what it would have taken us a couple weekends to do. The kids were a great help too. We all enjoyed being outside.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

Much love,

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