Saturday, April 7

April 7th, 2007

Quotes from a recent report on lung cancer. Wed. Feb 14th, 2007. Stanford, Ca. Dr. H. Wakelee, assistant professor of medicine at Stanford "Close to 20 percent of cases of lung cancer in women and 8 percent in men occur among never-smokers." "Among women that rate is surprisingly higher than experts had previously thought."

My thoughts and prayers go out to all people with cancer. This is such a prevalent disease and affects so many people. Nearly every week I hear of new diagnosis of friends of friends or relatives of friends. There has to be a reason for this surge in cancer. Be it enviroment, our food supply, our stress levels or a combination of all three. The medical community works hard to solve these problems once diagnosed, but we each need to take responsibility for our own health. We need to do everything we can to keep ourselves healthy, our immune systems strong and our minds at peace. "LIVESTRONG"

Peace and blessings for a wonderful Easter!

love, Denise


Anonymous said...

Peace and blessings to you Denise and your family. You are a amazing lady I am honored to call you friend.


Robin said...

I am glad you are doing so well. Bridget just asked me this morning when we could go back to the "lady that took our pictures" She was looking at all our pictures and still remembers you. I told her we lived too far away now to do pictures. She said "But you told me she was sick" I am so glad to sayt hat your are not sick anymore!!!