Wednesday, May 2

May 2, 2007

Hello, all is well here. My PET Scans showed no sign of recurrent cancer. Needless to say we were happy and relieved. The time between my scans will be increased from 3 months to 6 months. I will have lab work in July. It has been 18 months since my last treatment.

We are looking forward to a trip to Indiana the end of May and a relaxing summer.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

Love, Denise

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful that God DOES give us hope. Not only that we will again see our loved ones that we have lost to this terrible disease again, but also through miracles of healing like your own. What a beautiful and wonderful thing to be thankful for this spring. He obviously has a very special plan for you, and He's not finished yet!

I commend you SO highly for your commitment to your health, exercise, and diet. We ARE responsible for our health and few take this seriously enough to make it a priority. We live in such a "quick fix" world and often live how we want regardless of the future outcome, and when our choices do affect us we search desparately for that immediate fix. I am just as guilty, so I truly admire and look up to you in this.

I know the Lord will continue to bless you and your family, as you have blessed SO many through sharing this journey. Stay strong my friend and know that your path will never be forgotten by me!

Love and miss ya. And no, I haven't forgotten about Derek's pics! The devil just needs to leave our family alone for awhile so I can get back on my feet!!!!!
