Friday, October 21

October 21, 2005

Hello, I am feeling better each day. My esophagus is recovering and I was able to get some dinner down last night. Yea! I hope to stock up this weekend before radiation starts on Monday. Hopefully without the infection I can keep it going for a while. It has been challenging watching all this great food come in and not being able to eat it. Although, the rest of the family has enjoyed the meals very much.

The kids are doing great. They are taking everything in stride. They have enjoyed spending time with Aunt Dee, and Grandpa Case. Brian & Bonnie have found my recent hair loss interesting and they are ready for me just to shave it off. They are making guesses as to what color will grow back. Last night I gave myself a short haircut, so they were surprised this morning with my new look. They were also very excited & happy when I was able to eat dinner.

Napper is doing well too. He keeps very busy and organized getting everything done and still making daily life "fun." He plans to spend the weekend getting ready for his favorite holiday, halloween.

Thanks for everything!!!!!!!!


The Curley Family


Anonymous said...

Hi Denise,

I just wanted to let you know that you are still in my daily thoughts and prayers. You have been such a special friend to work with and I just think so much of you. You are a strong woman and I know you can get through this. From reading your postings, I can tell you have a lot of friends and family that love you dearly and are giving you much support. Still, I am always here if you need anything at all. Stay strong.

Anonymous said...

Hi Denise. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am Shawn Seifert's friend from childhood. Also, just recently becoming a breast cancer survivor (I was diagnosed a year ago in November) I know the power of positive attitude and relying and friends and family for help. I lost my hair too and sported the scarf look which I liked! Best wishes, Denise. Again, lots of prayers from me.
Liz Rhodes