Friday, September 9

A brief history .

Just to give you some history on this process: At the end of July I noticed some reddness and swelling on the right side of my neck. I started to feel around and found a nodule to the right of my thyroid. I immediately did'nt like the way the nodule felt. (hard). I made an appointment with my Doctor. He thought it was an enlarged lymph node probably due to an imflammmatory process. We were going to treat it and if it didn't go down make another trip to the office. In the mean time I ran into an ENT Doctor at the hospital that I knew from working in surgery. I asked him to feel the nodule. He thought we should do an ultrasound on the nodule. The ultrasound was Tuesday August 30th. The ultrasound showed metastatic disease. Meaning it originated from another place in the body. On Thursday of the same week I had a CT scan of the neck and a chest xray. The chest xray showed a mass in the upper right lung lobe. On sunday Sept 4th I had a CT scan of the chest. With this scan the Radiologist suggested that I had lung cancer with metastasis to 2-3 lymph nodes in the chest and neck area.. As you can imagine this was a very long labor day weekend. That brings us up to Thursday of this week. I had one of the lymph nodes removed in my neck. The pathology report was positive for cancer, (adenocarcinoma) with the lung mass being the primary source. We expected this, and now we are ready to move forward with healing and treatment.. I am set up to see an Oncologist on Monday morning. I still feel very good and strong. I have lost quite a bit of weight but I was working very hard on that before this all started. I remain optimistic and hopeful. Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers! Love, Denise

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